VAT: Our Plan
Educator Training
  • We want pupils to appreciate nature
    and engage with the real world

Forest School

Heritage Forest School is an important and exciting part of our Enrichment programme.  At Heritage, we have always placed a high priority upon getting pupils outdoors, to appreciate nature and engage with the real world. To these ends, Forest School is just an extension of our regular Nature Walks and Annual Camps.

We are very grateful to Clare Hall for letting us the use Clare Wood – just south of the school along Hobson’s Conduit. This allows pupils from the very youngest in Lower Prep through to Year 6, to enjoy in rotation a term of Forest School each year. Our goal is to share with the children a delight and an enjoyment of nature, together with a new set of skills and a growing sense of responsibility for the great outdoors.

Whether learning to make tools such as pegs, hoops and mallets for setting up camp or lighting a fire, we hope these values will stay with our pupils well beyond their school years, for the rest of their lives.

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