VAT: Our Plan
Educator Training
  • ‘The school is an inclusive and
    purposeful community

Inspection Reports

Since joining the Independent Schools Association (ISA) in December 2016, Heritage School has been inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). And from September 2023, inspections have changed. Instead of a one-word rating, schools now receive detailed reports highlighting key findings. These reports assess how well the school meets five key areas:

  • Pupils’ physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Protection of pupils from harm and neglect
  • Pupils’ education, training and recreation
  • Pupils’ contribution to society
  • Pupils’ social and economic wellbeing

Our most recent inspection took place from 23-25 April 2024. Not only did the school meet the expected standard in all areas, but the inspectors provided a significant amount of excellent feedback, including praise for the school’s leadership for ‘effectively translating their clear vision into development plans that promote pupils’ progress and wellbeing.’

Other highlights are included below. But we encourage you to read the full report for yourself.


‘The promotion of pupils’ wellbeing is central to the school’s ethos and is at the heart of school culture.’ (Paragraph 10)

Individual attention

‘Leaders know their pupils very well and ensure that the provision meets their individual needs well overall.’ (Paragraph 10)


‘A knowledge-rich curriculum… gives pupils a learning experience which is highly effective.’ (Paragraph 19)


‘Leaders promote a curriculum that effectively develops the habit of attention and actively promotes pupils’ creativity and aesthetic sensibilities.’ (Paragraph 2)

Ownership for learning

‘Pupils develop positive learning habits which support their own development as learners.’ (Paragraph 20)

‘They are attentive in lessons and engage well with their learning, act responsibly and are self-motivated.’ (Paragraph 20)

‘Pupils are attentive, polite and engage well with their studies.’ (Paragraph 32)


Leaders and trustees ‘effectively translate their clear shared vision for the school into development plans which promote pupils’ progress and wellbeing.’ (Paragraph 9)

‘Leaders ensure that the founding vision and philosophy of the school informs the school’s aims and practice.’ (Paragraph 10)

‘Pupils have confidence in the school’s leaders.’ (Paragraph 10)

Academic attainment

‘Pupils develop knowledge and understanding in advance of their years and achieve GCSE examination results above those expected for their starting points.’ (Paragraph 21)

‘On average, the oldest pupils attain GCSE grades at least one grade above that predicted from assessment of their attainment at entry to the school.’ (Paragraph 27)

Mutual respect

‘The school is an inclusive and purposeful community.’ (Paragraph 36)

‘Leaders create safe spaces for the discussion of sensitive issues and help pupils respect the different groups that make up society.’ (Paragraph 37)

Pupils ‘show respect for the opinions and feelings of people whose backgrounds and viewpoints differ from their own.’ (Paragraph 40)

The best of culture

Pupils ‘acquire a deep knowledge and appreciation of culture such as art and music.’ (Paragraph 21)

‘The curriculum includes substantial study of art, music and poetry.’ (Paragraph 38)

‘In depth study enables pupils to develop a deep appreciation, knowledge and understanding of key cultural works.’ (Paragraph 38)

Useful Information For Parents

17-19 Brookside

Tel: 01223 350615

Copyright © Heritage School 2022