VAT: Our Plan
Educator Training
  • Our goal is for pupils to enjoy sport and live healthy, active lives.


At Heritage we encourage pupils to develop a good, all-around understanding of the basics, the tactics and the etiquette of sport. They develop proficiency in a range of traditional school sports, but they are also introduced to others, developing their skills and confidence to try new things. We want them to have a wide base of experience from which they can specialise if they choose, but not to pressurise them into specialising too early.

Our hope is that they will discover a range of sports they enjoy and which they might continue to play on into adult life. Our goal is to promote healthy, active living.

In the Infant School we focus upon developing core skills and body control. Throwing and catching, ball control (e.g. with a stick), running, gymnastics, dance and movement all feature.

Swimming is prioritised for two terms per year from Year 2 to Year 6 and again as part of our Senior School curriculum. With Juniors and Seniors we focus upon a traditional school sport each term – hockey, netball, touch rugby, cricket, rounders, and athletics – but we enjoy a broad range of sports in addition, such as badminton, basketball, squash, swimming, table tennis, tennis and water polo.

In the Junior and Senior Schools, pupils have four PE lessons per week. With Seniors this is delivered as two double lessons per week. Infants have two or three sessions per week. We are able to hire facilities locally to support our sports programme, as well as using public land nearby for cross country.

Friendly fixtures are arranged with other schools. We want our pupils to experience and enjoy team work, to play hard, to play with respect and to carry themselves well. We have frequently received feedback from non-Heritage parents on the touchline saying how impressed they have been by the attitude of our pupils. We encourage pupils who are looking for more opportunities to get involved in community sport. High level competitive opportunities are available in the Cambridge area and many of our pupils have excelled in their preferred sport.

After School Clubs are available seasonally through the year in various sports, such as hockey, squash, netball, and touch rugby.

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