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  • We are as interested in a child’s attitude toward learning as we are in academic results.


Heritage is passionate about learning for its own sake, and seeks to nurture the flame of curiosity children bring to school at age 4. We are as interested in a child’s attitude to learning as we are in his or her academic results. Our Enrichment Programme is an expression of this commitment.

Every Thursday or Friday afternoon is an open slot in the weekly timetable for pupils in Upper Prep to Year 8.

During that time pupils experience a huge range of outings in Cambridge and beyond and countless unique in-school activities such as:

  • concerts
  • museum trips
  • theatre workshops
  • countryside rambles
  • visits to zoos
  • trips to London
  • science and maths activities
  • history re-enactments and more

We also look for visitors who can come and share their love for their profession or hobby – such as artists, musicians, authors, or doctors, or even arctic explorers. We include elements of community service too, with, for example, visits to a local care home or litter picking.

Years 9-11 have off-timetable days approximately once per half term for extra curricular activities including a focus upon Careers Education, Religious Education and PSHE.

Click below to view sample enrichment timetables:

Sample Enrichment Timetable – Upper Prep – Year 4

Sample Enrichment Timetable – Year 5 – Year 8

All costs associated with trips on our Enrichment Programme are included in school fees. The feedback we receive from both providers and from parents testify to the enjoyment and value of this program, which we believe makes Heritage unique among private schools in Cambridge.

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