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  • Clubs provide additional opportunities
    for pupils to develop their interests.

Extra Curricular Activities

A variety of clubs run during break times and after school for pupils in Upper Prep through Year 11 to enjoy. Choirs (Infant, Junior and Senior), Ensembles, LAMDA, Sports Clubs, Art Club, Cookery Club, Spanish Club, Computing, and Chess are regular fixtures, along with a variety of others. There is a supervised Homework Club for Seniors, Monday – Thursday from 4-5pm. Pupil-run clubs are offered too and we are always open to new ideas for enriching after school activities.

Notice is given before the start of each term about which clubs will be on offer that term. There is a modest charge per term for club attendance (except for Homework Club) in order to cover costs.

Click below to view sample extra curricular activities:

Sample Extra Curricular Activities

D of E
Participation in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme is encouraged for all pupils in Year 9 and up. It is possible to complete the Bronze and Silver Awards before leaving Heritage. The Expedition sections of the Bronze and Silver Awards are delivered as part of our Outdoor Education Programme.

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