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  • At the heart of our learning
    is the conviction that
    every child is a person

Pastoral Care

At the heart of Heritage’s learning culture is the conviction that every child is a person, equal in dignity and value to any other. Every individual matters.

Every effort is made to ensure that each pupil is understood, supported and nurtured. Given that healthy relationship are necessary for any person’s well-being, good relationships are encouraged throughout the school. This is an end in itself. It also necessary if pupils are to have the emotional stability necessary to realise their academic potential.

The structure of Heritage means it is uniquely well placed to encourage good relationships and offer pastoral support. Our small class sizes and being a relatively small school as a whole are, and will remain, intrinsic to who we are and the service we provide to our pupils.

For Infants and Juniors, the class teacher is responsible for delivering pastoral support, together with the Head of Infants or Head of Juniors. Seniors are supported by the Head of Seniors, specialist teachers, their Tutors.

The Tutor System 

Every pupil in the Senior School is allocated a Tutor responsible for that pupil’s general well-being. Tutors usually have about five pupils they are responsible for and arrange one-to-one sessions on a regular basis. Academic progress is closely monitored, and any concerns of either an academic or pastoral nature are addressed. This system enhances the naturally strong relationships that exist between staff and pupils in our Senior School.

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