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Post – 16 Transition

In their final year at Heritage, Year 11 pupils have to make important decisions about their future. Throughout Years 9-11, during our ‘off-timetable days’, pupils hear numerous presentations from a wide range of professionals who explain their work and how they got to the position they are currently in, including subjects they studied at A level and university. They also undertake psychometric testing. This, together with counsel from parents and feedback from teachers and Tutors, helps pupils enter Year 11 with a good idea about career directions they are most interested in.

To help them through the transitions process, information evenings are held early in Year 11 looking at post-16 opportunities in and around Cambridge. Information to enable pupils to explore vocational options is included. Pupils and parents are given a list of dates for when various post-16 providers hold Open Days. The Sixth Form application process is explained in detail, and we support the drafting of personal statements. We also conduct mock interviews and give feedback to pupils. We also focus closely upon revision skills and good exam technique to help our pupils attain their best possible grades and, therefore, the best possible options available to them for post-16 education.

For more on where our pupils go after leaving Heritage, see our Alumni Page.

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