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  • Parents are frequently amazed
    when they hear what was
    covered in a single day.

The School Day

What happens day by day in the classroom is our central concern. The structure and rhythm of the school day is important if pupils are to sustain their engagement with and enjoyment in learning.

In the early years, lessons are short (as little as 15 minutes) and varied. This helps keep concentration and interest levels high. As a result, children cover a wide range of subjects and parents are frequently amazed when they hear how much has been covered in a day.

Their enjoyment of school is helped by a 1pm finish on three days a week in Lower Prep (Reception) and 1 day a week in Upper Prep (Year 1). Childcare is however provided on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 1pm-3.30pm to help with the logistics of these early finish times.

As pupils mature through the Junior School, it is appropriate for lessons to become longer. Timetables remain carefully balanced to provide a varied programme, alternating core subject work with a varied sports programme, nature walks, music, art, handicraft, library time, and more.

In the Senior School our days are divided into eight 45 minute periods with a mid-morning and lunch break.

Wednesday or Friday afternoons for pupils from Upper Prep to Year 8 are special at Heritage. This is an open slot in the weekly timetable for our Enrichment Programme in which pupils enjoy a huge range of outings or special interest afternoons (see ‘Enrichment’ for more information).

The general pattern of the school day is as follows:

8.25am Doors are opened, pupils arrive
8.40am Infants line up in the playground and go into their classrooms
Junior lessons begin
Senior registration begins
8.50am Assembly: Mon and Wed for Infants and Juniors; Thurs for Seniors
Senior period 1 begins
10.10–10.35am Infants (LP-Y2) morning break
10.35–11.00am Juniors (Y3-Y6) morning break
11.05–11.30pm Seniors (Y7-Y11) morning break
12.10–1.00pm Infants (LP-Y2) lunch plus break
12.35–1.20pm Juniors (Y3-Y6) lunch plus break
1.00–1.45pm Seniors (Y7-Y11) lunch plus break
1:00pm LP end of day on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
UP end of day on Wednesdays
Optional child care is provided for LP from 1.00-3.30pm on Monday and Friday afternoons and for both LP and UP on Wednesday afternoons (again from 1.00-3.30pm)
3.30pm LP end of day on Tuesdays and Thursdays
UP end of day every day except on Wednesdays
3.30pm Y2-Y6 end of day
4.00pm Y7-Y11 end of day
3.30-5.00pm After-school clubs and activities

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