The Return of School Trips

As museums, parks and other places of interest opened up to school groups again, we have been delighted to resume our school trips a valuable part of our Enrichment programme. Every Wednesday or Friday afternoon is an open slot in the weekly timetable for pupils in Upper Prep to Year 8, during which time pupils experience a range of outings in Cambridge and beyond, along with unique in-school activities. Here are some of the places that our pupils visited during the final weeks of school:

  • Upper Prep: Anglesey Abbey
  • Year 2: Great St Mary’s Church
  • Years 3 and 4: Clip & Climb
  • Year 5: National Space Centre
  • Year 6: Thetford Forest
  • Year 7: American Cemetery
  • Year 8: Wicken Fen

Thanks to all of the tremendous effort by staff and others to make sure these events could happen safely. We look forward to more when school resumes in the fall!