Senior Camp: Return to Normality

By Mr Jonathon Bell, Former Heritage Parent/Volunteer

The Senior school spent the week before the half-term break at the fabulous Bragger’s Wood scout campsite in the New Forest surrounded by rhododendron bushes in full flower, baby ponies and other wildlife. And what a tremendous relief it was to be back to normal after two years of having our camp routine affected to one degree or another by the pandemic.

Hopefully by now parents will have been regaled with stories of cooking pizza from scratch in a wood fired oven, crab fishing (including record catches of 108 crabs by the Year 9s), cycling, hiking, and watersports. They may even have taught the parents the odd song about Pirates or Yellow Birds.

The camp is an essential part of your child’s education. In five days friendships strengthen, resilience and good humour grow, and seeds of interest in new activities are sown. Through participation in the DofE children develop things to put on their curriculum vitae in the future which will strengthen their applications for both University and future employment. And most importantly, we all have a great time.The thing that makes the camp special though, is the fact that whilst we use specialist providers for the adventurous activities the bulk of the programme is delivered by staff and volunteer parents. Huge thanks go to Mrs Atkinson, Mr Bayley, Mr Bell, Mrs Bruce, Mr Buchanan, Mr Burden, Mr Fletcher, Mr Seth Fletcher, Mrs Hulett, Mr Hulett, Mrs Lowe, Mr Pitcher, Miss Rogers, and Mrs Scarlata. Please let us know if you want to be involved next year!

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