Swallows & Amazons Forever

Last week, Year 5 performed a musical based on the classic story, Swallows and Amazons, by Arthur Ransome, to a full hall of foot-tapping, tear-wiping, proud-as-punch family members and friends… and they did a marvelous job!  Every child rose to the occasion and acted, sung and danced brilliantly, and all after only four weeks of rehearsals.  I was extremely proud of the effort that Year 5 put in; each member helped to make the whole play a real joy to watch.
A big thank you to Mr Beaton for paint a magnificent backdrop, Ms Robertson for helping the children produce such excellent posters, train wheels and houseboat, and Mrs Zurcher for both accompanying the children during the production and for teaching them all of the songs.
The feedback from parents, staff and pupils has been really positive, reflecting what a talented and hard-working bunch of actors Year 5 is.  The performance transported those in Panton Hall to a time of great adventure, bravery and friendship.  Swallows and Amazons forever!  [Mr Catley]