Heritage Year 2 pupils put on a class assembly focussed on the theme of bravery

A Brave Performance from Year 2

This week, Year 2 students inspired their fellow Infants and Juniors with a class assembly that explored the theme of bravery.

During the assembly, the pupils creatively conveyed the powerful message of overcoming fears and embracing courage. They brought characters from ‘The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and the Horse’ by Charlie Mackesey to life, shared personal reflections on bravery through posters they crafted, and delved into the concept of ‘digging down for your bravery.’

Connecting this theme to their broader curriculum, the students explored the lives of brave historical figures. Through virtual enactments, they portrayed scenes from the journeys of Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, and Ernest Shackleton, spotlighting the resilience and bravery of these explorers. A dramatic reading of Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition highlighted the courage and perseverance needed to face adversity.

The assembly concluded with an encouraging acrostic poem written by Year 2: Being brave means you have to have courage/ Really brave people have lots of fun/ And when I’m brave I learn more/ Very brave people always have a go/ Everyone persevere!

Year 2’s class assembly not only provided a platform for students to display their courage in acting and public speaking but also reflected the school’s commitment to nurturing young people of character. By highlighting this crucial virtue, Heritage aims to foster a culture where pupils, like the characters in the stories shared, dig deep to find their courage.