Sparking a Lifelong Passion for the Outdoors

A Message from Mr Jason Fletcher, Headmaster

School camps are a defining feature of Heritage and, for many of our pupils, are among the most cherished memories from their time here. There is something magical about sitting around a campfire or sleeping out under canvas in some of the most beautiful places in the country. Camps are an annual fixture for all of our pupils from Year 4 to Year 10. At camp, there is a unique opportunity for us to get to know each other better in a fresh and fun context, which makes a huge contribution to the quality of relationships in the community. As pupils encounter new challenges they also grow in confidence, and this carries over into other areas of life.

But, perhaps most importantly, all of this happens in the great outdoors. Much has been written in recent years about how young people are losing touch with nature, and as a result are missing out on the wonder, joy, refreshment, and insight that it – and real-world adventures – offers us.

As Charlotte Mason observed, children who have ‘a love of Nature… will enrich their lives with pure interests, absorbing pursuits, health, and good humour.’ It is our hope that our camps will help to spark in our pupils a lifelong passion for the outdoors, and also that they will initiate a relationship with special parts of this remarkable island. I like to imagine pupils going back as adults to some of the places we have visited for recreation and inspiration, no matter what their future path. 

We depend upon, and are grateful for, the staff and parent volunteers who help make our Junior and Senior Camps possible. Also, special thanks is due to our Educational Visits Coordinator, Meg Lowe, whose support is so significant to the smooth and safe operation of all of our school trips.  If you are interested in becoming involved next year, please watch out for requests for parent volunteers!