World Book Day enjoyed by all …

World Book Day – a highlight in the Heritage calendar was enjoyed once again this year, with all of the Infant and Junior school in costume and many of the Seniors joining in too. Much of the day was focussed on celebrating books, with special visits for some classes from author; Sylvia Carr, and illustrator; Adam Larkum – both Heritage parents.

Adam brought in pencil drawings and final inked artwork to show Y3 & Y4 the process of illustration. They all had great fun drawing a horse and rider and a motorbike together. He explained to Y6 & Y7 pupils how a publisher works with an illustrator to develop a piece of artwork for a book or newspaper. Adam said ‘It was great to stand in front of such a fun audience talk to them about something I enjoy doing so much.’

Sylvia led a creative writing session for Y3 & Y4 reviewing the elements of fiction before discussing and practising different points of view.
With Y6 & Y7 she discussed some of the different types of professional writing; news writing, essay writing, advertising / copywriting, fiction writing, before commissioning pupils to try them out in groups.


A Dramatic Retelling of ‘Romeo and Juliet’

Y7 enjoyed presenting one of Shakespeare’s most well-known plays ‘Romeo and Juliet’ to a packed audience on Wednesday night and to Year 8 on the following Friday afternoon. The feuding Capulets and Montagues; a memorable balcony scene and the young lover’s eventual death will be remembered by all for a long time to come!

Under Mr Stokes inspirational directorship, Y7 brought to life the text they had studied in English Literature in the Autumn Term. Pupils displayed great talent, commitment and enthusiasm as they learnt their lines and prepared for their performances. Many congratulations to all involved.


International Day

Heritage launched it’s first International Day this week, celebrating cultural diversity. Each class in the Infant and Junior school came dressed in the colours of the flag of the country they had been studying in Geography. They spent the day exploring these countries further, learning more about their culture and customs and enjoying national delicacies. Senior Assembly looked at what it means to be be part of a global community.

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A Stunning Nativity

Infants and Juniors worked hard at the end of term, learning their songs and stage directions to deliver a Nativity that delighted pupils and parents alike. With narrations from the Seniors and accompaniment from instrumentalists it was a perfect evening to bring the Autumn Term to a close. Many thanks to Mrs Laube and all the staff who worked so hard to bring it all together.




A Magical Performance of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’

Year 6 delivered a finely crafted and magical performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream to a packed audience at the end of November. The atmosphere was one of palpable enjoyment by the players as they led us through the confusions of star-crossed lovers, fairy mischief and the rough ‘mechanicals’ of staging a play within a play. Luckily, their characters, the well delivered lines and hilarious script led us all to the final, happy ending. Congratulations Year 6!

We would like to thank the audience for their generosity: the retiring collection raised £140.54 for the staging fund!

Clearly the children gained much from the rehearsal process as well as the performance itself:

‘I enjoyed learning the play and the excitement building up to the performance. I especially liked it when the lights and curtains were put up for the dress rehearsal. When it was the performance I had butterflies in my tummy, but when it was over it was quite sad because all that hard work went into just one night.’ (Elani)

‘What I enjoyed most about the play was becoming the character of Demetrius. I also enjoyed perfecting the scenes; I liked watching the progress we were making. On the night of the performance I enjoyed listening to the audience as they laughed!’ (Josh)



